Thursday, June 2, 2011

Having difficulties

 Yes, we are having a hard time now..really dunno what idea to decide...yup, its all about our project, engineering team project..actually we got so many ideas but almost all of them are not easy to make..takes time, costly, and finally we only manage to think about two ideas which is the simplest one..but still there are so many problem that we have to face, and there are very risky. we have to think about time, whether our project will success or not, all of that is very difficult to us..

yeah, thinking about problems, we have to step back and thingking about Allah..HE gives us the promlems to solve, because he knows that we can solve it..

 “Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya. Ia mendapat pahala (dari kebajikan) yang diusahakannya dan ia mendapat siksa (dari kejahatan) yang dikerjakannya. (Mereka berdo′a): “Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau hukum kami jika kami lupa atau kami tersalah. Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau bebankan kepada kami beban yang berat sebagaimana Engkau bebankan kepada orang-orang sebelum kami. Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau pikulkan kepada kami apa yang tak sanggup kami memikulnya. Beri ma′aflah kami; ampunilah kami; dan rahmatilah kami. Engkaulah Penolong kami, maka tolonglah kami terhadap kaum yang kafir.”
– Surah AlBaqarah : Ayat 286

All we have to do is go back to Allah. He has  the best plan for us..

 Ya Allah, please help them, Zuliqram, Nuzul, Lee Chua Chun, and Hossam..

Ya Allah, please help me, Hazwani and Wadaa

we have to decide the idea by tomorrow..hope that tomorrow we will end up with a good idea..aminn..

p/s: english berterabur tp nak jugak tulis in english..hik2!

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